Scoliosis is a disorder of the spinal column characterized by a curving of the spine, usually from side to side. The degree of the curve and the onset of the disorder affect how debilitating or dangerous it is. At Rolling Hills Medical, we offer effective treatment for many different types of scoliosis. In Terrence, CA, we are here to help you stop the progression of this disease and limit its effects on your health and well-being.
Have you been wondering, "What are the different types of scoliosis?" Our Torrance, CA medical team at Rolling Hills Medical is ready to answer this question.
All types of scoliosis involve spinal curvature, but the type of scoliosis affects the degree of curvature and severity of the disease. Typically, different forms of scoliosis are identified based on their underlying cause. At Rolling Hills Medical in Torrance, CA, we treat all types of scoliosis, including these:
Congenital scoliosis occurs due to spinal abnormalities that develop in the womb. This rare condition affects approximately 1 on 10,000 newborns. This type of scoliosis causes the baby's shoulders or waistline to tip, and it is diagnosed through imaging.
If scoliosis occurs before the age of 10, it is called early-onset scoliosis. Since children at this age are still growing, this form of scoliosis can impact other organs, like the lungs. This form of scoliosis is detected based on the symmetry of the body.
If your child is diagnosed with this form of scoliosis, prompt treatment is important to ensure normal development and growth.
This is the most common of the various types of scoliosis. This type is diagnosed between the ages of 10 and 18. As many as 4 out of 100 children experience this condition.
When treating adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, our goal is to slow the curve progression until the spine is fully developed. We will also monitor the child for complications or progression that requires more aggressive treatment.
Degenerative scoliosis affects adults and creates a slowly developing sideways curve to the spine. This particular form of scoliosis usually starts in the lower back, and it can be quite painful. As many as 60 percent of adults have a degree of degenerative scoliosis, and our treatment focuses on
When scoliosis occurs because of another disorder of the brain, muscular system, or spinal cord, it is known as neuromuscular scoliosis. This type of scoliosis can progress to the point that the patient cannot walk. Our team focuses on finding the underlying condition and treating that first to reduce the progression of the spinal curve and increase mobility and comfort for patients.
Scheuermann's Kyphosis is a front-to-back curve of the spine, rather than a side-to-side curve found in most scoliosis patients. This type develops during adolescence and typically relates to some deformity of the vertebrae and skeletal system. Back pain, stiffness, and problems with posture are common symptoms.
Syndromic scoliosis forms in conjunction with another syndrome. Problems like muscular dystrophy or Rett's syndrome commonly cause this form of scoliosis. Our focus for patients with this type of scoliosis is to treat the underlying condition first, then focus on the spinal curvature.
Because most types of scoliosis are degenerative, which means they get worse over time, prompt treatment is important. Rolling Hills Medical offers scoliosis diagnosis and treatment in Torrance, CA for each of these types of scoliosis. If you or your child is struggling with the pain and discomfort of scoliosis, or you have received a scoliosis diagnosis, reach out to us at (424)-267-2491.